To the Patrick Henry College Class of 2005

Friday, May 13, 2005

You're rehearsing for your graduation. I just saw you.

Four years ago, I planned to be sitting out there with you, full of dreams and plans and goals and hopes and fears and promise.

But I'm not sitting there today, and even though I feel a bit left behind, I know that God has a reason for it. I think I couldn't have prayed for you all the way He showed me how. I couldn't have learned to love you the way He has taught me to love you--all of you. And I never would have found Him to be my all because I'd have tried too hard to measure up to you all instead of looking at Him.

You may not have known how much I wanted to be your friend, or how much I looked up to you. But to all of you, those I know well and love deeply, and those I never really got to know but got to pray for from a distance, congratulations. I admire and respect each of you, and I promise you that as God brings each of you to mind I will continue to pray for you, even if I never know where you have ended up or what you have done.

Thanks for the memories and the dreams. Thanks for the friendships and the fun. Thanks for the laughter and the tears we've all shared. Thanks for letting me share my song with you.

God go with you...


Leeann said...

And on behalf of the class, including those who don't know what's good enough for them to say it, you have been and continue to be a blessing in our lives. Because there's a bond greater than studying together or stressing together or even living together, and that is the bond of peace found in our Lord and Savior. Your life has been so focused on Him that for anyone to look at you, they are also forced (sometimes against their will!) to look at Him... and that is a many spendored thing. Degree or no degree, you are a friend, and that is more valuable than any college eduation. Thank you for having eyes to see that can... and not being afraid to look.

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