
Saturday, October 6, 2007

I found this amazing quote over at Deep Soil, where my friend Anna has been writing a lot of neat stuff. Check it out--I love her writing!

“For where shall the likeness of God be found? There is no quality that space has in common with the essence of God. There is not enough freedom on the top of the mountain; there is not enough glory in the silence of the sea. Yet the likeness of God can be found in time, which is eternity in disguise.”

~The Sabbath, by Abraham Joshua Heschel

Time haunts me. This week, I've been ticking off the backlisted projects on my mental to-do list, and yesterday came to the wry realization that no matter how close I feel I am to getting on top of things, there will always be something else to push them off.

And yet... in all my ways, as I learn to acknowledge God and involve Him in my backlog, He is becoming more real to me. Getting away is not enough. I find it strange that in the busyness, there can be rest...


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