It Can't Be Christmas Without...

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The snow outside has evoked a very Christmasy sort of mood from me, so I post:

These three CD's are my very favorite Christmas CD's. No matter the weather or what time of year, it is always Christmas when I listen to them.

I ran across this album on cassette at a random gas station when I was in high school and fell in love with it. My favorite memory of this album comes from a cold, snowy winter's morning when Pete and Gabe and Katie and I drove up to Pennsylvania for a performance of Handel's Messiah. The pianist at the church played the "Away in a Manger" arrangement from Piano Winterlude, with the snow falling outside the window behind the grand piano. That moment was so real, so perfect, I think it will always remain in my memory as Christmas. It brings with it other memories of that night too - fresh-baked bread, family conversation, and walking out of a historic church into the golden sunset-lit wonderland of snow and ice on the trees above our car.

"The Happiest Christmas of All" is my favorite song on this album. I remember driving home from college one Christmas a few years ago and listening to this song with an ache in my heart that resolved in a prayer that changed my whole life. It was a long drive, but I got to make it with my Abba and share my Christmas wish with Him. I didn't get what I wanted that Christmas, but now... May the ones you love be near you - that's the happiest Christmas of all...

I first heard this CD when my college roommate, Em, put it on as we decorated our dorm tree. I remember sweeping the floor and wanting to cry as I listened to the nostalgic piano. It made me feel happy and lonely and wonderful all at once. Listening to it now, I don't feel so empty - so many of my longings from that memory have come true already. I know that God has been very good to me...


em said...

I've lost that CD and I love it! I need to see you sometime soon...

Anonymous said...


I have heart one of those and tey are grand ... you might like this guy - he is VERY good. Close friend of the family for many years - ask Mike about him.


Anonymous said...

Sorry - forgot the link ...


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