The Poor Will See and Be Glad

Friday, December 14, 2007

I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. This will please the LORD more than an ox, more than a bull with its horns and hoofs. The poor will see and be glad -- you who seek God, may your hearts live!
~Psalm 69:30-32

Song and thanksgiving will please the Lord more than ox and bull. That's a cool thought to begin with. He's asking us for something from our hearts that cost us nothing, rather than extravagant offerings.

"The poor will see and be glad..."

I like that. For those who feel they have nothing to give the Lord, for those who are poor in spirit and have no extravagant gift to bring, song and thanksgiving encourages their hearts, because they can give that as well as the most talented and gifted among us.

You can give great offerings and service (the ox and the bull with hoofs and horns) to God when your heart is dead, but you can't praise him with song and thanksgiving unless your heart is alive.

I want to seek Him with a heart alive, so that I find Him - and not satisfaction in the greatness of my offerings.


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