Some Fictional Identification

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I took a Facebook quiz about which Jane Austen character I was, and I came up a pretty strong Catherine Morland from Northanger Abbey.

A quick visit to Wikepedia clinched the uncomfortably accurate (and similar) description.

Catherine Morland: A 17-year-old girl who loves reading Gothic novels. Something of a tomboy in her childhood, she is wrongly worried that she isn't beautiful enough, until men start to take an interest in her at the assembly dances. Catherine lacks experience and sees her life as if she were a heroine in a Gothic novel. She sees the best in people, and to begin with always seems ignorant of other people's malignant intentions. She is the devoted sister of James Morland. She is good-natured and frank and often makes insightful comments on the inconsistencies and insincerities of people around her, usually to Henry Tilney, and thus is unintentionally sarcastic and funny. She is also seen as a humble and modest character, becoming exceedingly happy when she receives the smallest compliment. Catherine's character grows throughout the novel, as she gradually becomes a real heroine, learning from her mistakes when she is exposed to the outside world in Bath. She sometimes makes the mistake of applying Gothic novels to real life situations; for example, later in the novel she begins to suspect General Tilney of having murdered his deceased wife. Catherine soon learns that Gothic novels are really just fiction and do not always correspond with reality.

I would never have thought to identify myself with Miss Morland... Now I have to re-read the book. I remember it being a favorite...

It's funny. I've been realizing lately that I have a tendency to treat God as a fairy-godmother-type, expecting a happy ending whenever I wish for it. Then life comes in, not as I wished it, but perhaps still okay in the end (for when I get there...).


S. Mehrens said...

That's very cool. Most of the time I see people's results to those quizzes they are generally "Elizabeth Bennett". I was happy to see a different result for once. And I too loved Northanger Abbey. The recent PBS movie wasn't too bad either (saw it after reading the book, best way to do it).

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