Christmas on King Street - Window Shopping

Monday, December 15, 2008

Yes, there is a King Street in Charleston - and it's a lot like the bustling King Street we loved in Alexandria. (We even found a Thai restaurant!)

On Saturday, Pete took Piper and me to King Street in old town Charleston. We're finally getting around to exploring beyond the grocery stores. I brought my camera, and my wonderful hubby played and walked with our daughter for three hours while I played with my camera.

Now, this isn't officially a photography blog, but I can't resist taking a few posts to share what I found for Christmas on King Street. I decided sometime in the last few weeks to let go of my careful control of my photography and just see what happened if I let my heart see things, instead of locking into a set of guidelines. This was one of the best shoots I've ever had!

Can you believe there are flowers still blooming here?

I love, love, love this unique self-portrait. I actually caught a story in this photo!

I loved this dress form dressed out in sparkle and gold.

And to one-up the story in the bulb, here's the photographer in the window with Christmas and winter and Charleston behind. (Obviously, I fell in love with this shot - note my new layout!)

More photos from King Street to come...


the dork rules said...

Yay! I like your new "signature." =)

Becky said...

I love the reflection in the glass ball photo!!! Great shot!

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