quiet i do not feel

Friday, February 13, 2009

This photo is like my day, straight out of the camera, no touch-ups, almost incomplete, quite shadowed with a whole lot of grainy mess. The photo is beautiful to me, its creator.

I took it because of the quiet it seemed to offer. Quiet I haven't felt today. It has been a beast of a day. I hope my Creator has a better view of the day than I have.

"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."
(Lam. 3:22)

Here's to a more peaceful evening. I think I will drink tea.


Abs said...

Hey Kelly,

I wish you and Pete a lovely, peaceful, heart-quiet Saturday today. It is good for our hearts to rage about sometimes, as God graced us with our emotion-filled hearts and through that we feel fully alive in all it's misery and splendor. And then we need The Quiet, where God inexplicably settles our wild hearts. I pray you have some Quiet soon, to allow your life some rest in between the daily joys and turmoils.

It's always a joy for me to see life through your photos. I think God uses your photos to help the rest of us get closer to some Quiet when life is just Turmoil. So thank you for freely sharing the gift He's given you.

And yes, we need to catch up some time. This blog comment is the closest thing I've come to a blog post in months! So I guess you get to be my selected audience (or victim, depending on your perspective). My hubby is making me breakfast(yay for gluten free buttermilk biscuts from scratch!)which is giving me a few minutes of Quiet to ponder the universe or visit old friends online. :-)

With Love,-Abs

elk said...


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