project 4:8 - giveaway time

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I've been running a project-slash-contest over the last month at my photography blog, which I am calling my 4:8 Project. I started the project to focus my photographical eye on the words in Philippians 4:8 (true, noble, right, just, honorable, pure, lovely, admirable, commendable, excellent, virtue, good, praiseworthy, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious, good report). Each time I post a photo for this project, anyone is welcome to post a permalink to a photo of their own for any of the words in the list below, from three different versions of the verse.

Every month, I plan to award the owner of one photo an 8x10 or 8x8 print of their choosing from my daily photos. The final day for my first print giveaway is today. If you would like to participate in the contest, feel free to head over to this post and leave a link to your photo in a comment there. NOTE: To keep things simpler for me, comments left on this post will not be considered.

Photos do not have to be professional - I'm looking more at how well the photo fits the word you have chosen.

I will be announcing the winner tomorrow, so hurry and make your entry!

[Update: The Winner Is...]


Amber@theRunaMuck said...

Does the photographer need to post and link to your blog?

I love this, and I can't wait to participate in a leter contest.

Everything here is beautiful

Kelly Sauer said...

No link to my blog necessary - just offering opportunities to share! I do host this on my photography blog, though, so make sure to leave any links over there!

Vicky said...

How fun! I'll have to get back to shooting something to jump in sometime. My husband is a photographer too, I rely way too much on his work sometimes!! This will be a good reminder for me to work on my own.

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