unveiling - { this } Restless Heart has moved

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Seven days ago, I simply disappeared from the Interwebs.

The time had come.

For too long, I've been living two separate identities online - writer and photographer.

When I got a second Flickr account to keep the writer photos separate from the photographer photos, I knew something was coming. I couldn't keep living in two worlds. It was too much to keep straight - a photography Twitter name, a writer Twitter name, a photography blog here, a writing blog there - remembering where to leave what was getting confusing.

To be honest, my motives weren't pure. It was easier to set God aside while trying to present myself as a photographer. Easier to display my photos without explanation of the Inspiration behind them. Easier to critique my work than to admit how deeply it moves me, how deeply He moves me.

James makes a good point when he says that a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. I couldn't decide one day to the next which I wanted to be: photographer, mother, writer, wife... It was all compartmentalized. Too compartmentalized.

So I have spent the last week relearning my life. Relearning who I am, what I am, why I do what I do. Relearning old code, learning new code. I've been acknowledging that I am not the photographer I want to be - but I am what I am. I've been allowing the writing-God into my photos and the photos into my writing.

And I have moved my writing. And my photography. To one site, where I will be me, all of me.

If you still care to follow me, you can find me here: http://www.kellylangnersauer.com/

I will be deleting my @informalmoments Twitter account and using only @arestlessheart.

I will no longer be updating http://www.thisrestlessheart.com/ or http://kellysphotographyblog.blogspot.com/.

I will also be allowing Informal Moments Photography to lapse; I will use my own name for my work.

Please update your links and feeds using the buttons below:

Subscribe Twitter Tumblr Contact

If you have questions, please do drop me a line or a comment at my new place.

I know this is abrupt, and I apologize. There have been so many changes here. This was necessary for me, though. It was past time.

Hi. I'm Kelly.

I'm still a work in progress; the new blog is still in progress. I've been there and with my family over the last week, and that's it. But it's up and running now and I'm still alive. Please come see me there.