A Sales Pitch for Help

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The time has come for us to do something about my Lyme disease. In a God-timed conversation yesterday morning, I discovered that the supplements I am already taking through GNLD International can actually effect the defeat of the lyme.

Wow. That was an awkward sentence. Oh well. My blog.

I have usually avoided posting about my health on here, because I prefer to keep my blog for cool blog type stuff like... recipes and pictures. My blog has morphed so much over the last couple of years, though, that I think it is time to begin including some information about my health. I'll be up front, though, I have a reason for posting this. I need to make a sales pitch.

The call I got yesterday was from a woman who has had Lyme disease since 1992. I suspect I got mine earlier than this, possibly as long as 20 years ago. This is why I am a 26-year old woman who feels like she is 90 most days.

In 2001, I began collapsing for no apparent reason. The doctors I saw told me I was just a college student who wasn't taking care of herself, and I finally stopped trying to figure out what was going on. Two summers later, I began losing my eyesight. My optometrist referred me to a specialist who took one look at my test results and ordered an MRI. I had lesions (scleroses) all over my brain, and down my spine. I was diagnosed without a spinal tap with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). With a diagnosis, I was free to pursue treatment, but the treatment offered to me was a steroidal suppression of the immune system. I could gain no peace about the treatment, so I refused it, deciding to take my chances in the wheelchair, which I used off and on for the next two years.

God used my research to further my understanding of the purpose of the immune system in the body, to fight and keep out disease, and to ensure health. I began to see that the Holy Spirit is that "immune system" in God's body, the church, and I realized how devastating it would be to the church to quench the Holy Spirit in the way that the doctors had wanted me to use the steroids to suppress my immune system.

I began to research ways to restore my immune system so that it was functioning the way it was meant to function. I tried one line of supplements that helped a bit, but not enough. The doctor I was seeing at the time diagnosed me with Lyme disease and suggested I begin treatment. I did, and what I now know was the Herxheimer reaction (the it-gets-worse-before-it-gets-better syndrome) put me in the hospital. After my stint in the hospital, I descended into convulsions. My body went crazy. Almost every evening, I would convulse for hours. I would go home from work early because I collapsed. Nothing we tried helped.

Finally, at the end of that summer, I switched to GNLD. I didn't have the money to do too much, but within two months of beginning the supplements, I was out of the wheelchair, and within four, I was no longer using my cane.

In 2006, I actually felt healthy again. I was working full time, enjoying our first year of marriage, and feeling good for the first time in years. We got pregnant that October, and my naturopath told me I should swap the GNLD out for a prenatal vitamin that overdosed me on iron and made my first trimester rather difficult. Toward the end of my first trimester, I went back on GNLD and experienced an instant improvement. I took the following products through the rest of my very healthy pregnancy and delivered a very healthy baby.

*Salmon Oil Plus
*Super-B Threshold control
*Chelated Cal-Mag
*Chelated Iron
*Active 40 Plus
*Daily Carotenoid Complex
*GR2 Control Protein Shake

The lack of sleep took its toll on my body, however, and the lyme progressed, overwhelming my pituitary gland and plunging me into depression like I have never known. I raised my dose of Salmon Oil Plus to five per day, which brought things to a more manageable level, but we still thought that we were going to have to wean Piper and hit the lyme with something drastic.

Until yesterday, when Liz called. She exclusivly used GNLD products to treat her lyme disease, and after 16 years of disease and numerous treatments that didn't work, she found herself skiing and feeling healthy after five weeks on GNLD. Her lymphocytes, which had been at dangerous levels, rose over 200% in six months. She's a 42-year-old woman who feels 25 again.

Today I am raising the Salmon Oil Plus to ten and increasing my Super-B to try to combat the depression a bit more. I am also taking a very strong Garlic Allium Complex, the anti-viral/anti-bacterial defense I used before I was pregnant to assist in knocking out the lyme.

The basic idea behind using GNLD to treat the lyme disease is to strengthen my body to fight the bacteria itself. I have been using enough of the GNLD to maintain functionality, but I didn't know that I could take enough of it to actually boost my immune system and kick the disease that is eating away at me from the inside and taking me over with brain fog, mood swings, nervous system crashes, weakness, allergies, and fatigue.

After talking with Liz yesterday, and knowing what I know of the product and how it really works (for everyone - you should read the stories!), I know that this is the treatment I've been wanting. Instead of introducing more toxins and breaking my body down even more for a temporary fix that won't kill the lyme, I think this will fortify my immune system to win this war.

This means, however, that we're going to be putting out more than double the already-$500 per month we've budgeted for my health, and we don't know where that money will come from. This has finally clinched the decision for me to try and sell the product.

Many of you know me and have asked how you can help me in the past. I've never come up with anything, because everything seems too overwhelming to ask someone for. But I have an idea.

Each product someone else buys from me or under me (I can sign you up as a distributor so you can buy your own) counts as points for me. If I reach a certain number of points, I get a certain percentage of money back from the company. I know people who have built entire businesses with this system, but my goal is simply to cover the cost of my own supplements.

Do you regularly use a multivitamin, a B vitamin, acidophilus, calcium-magnesium supplement, or vitamin C? Are you interested in a meal replacement protein shake to help with weight loss? Have you been wanting to use fish oil or vitamin E to support your health? Would you be willing to buy it through me or under me so that I can gain enough points to cover the cost of my own supplements?

These products are the best out there - I know. I tried everything. My naturopath said that the Salmon Oil Plus was the best salmon oil he'd ever seen. Liz's doctor called her recently to tell her to send her whatever it was she was taking, because after seeing Liz's progress, she wanted to give it to her other patients. I have read account after account of people who have been drastically helped by GNLD. Every product I have used from GNLD has made a good difference for me. Please take some time to browse the products section of the website. If you see something there that you already use or would be interested in using, please feel free to email me and ask me about it. We can talk about getting you set up as a distributor, or I can even just contact you to order what you need as you need it.

Okay, that's the best I can do at sales pitching today. The basic jist is, I need your help. If GNLD can help you and you want to help me, it would be so awesome. I just can't live like this anymore.

It is my plan to do a bi-weekly post here to update on my health and share stories from GNLD users.

I now return you to my not-so-regularly-scheduled blog.


dancebythelight said...

Wow, you've really been through the wringer, physically (and emotionally too, I'm sure). Thanks for sharing your story. I have a friend who's had various physical problems I'd like to share this with. Her Dr. has thought she has lymes, but her tests have always come back negative. Right now she's treating herself for "Candida" through changing her diet.

Kelly Sauer said...

Liz, the gal I talked with yesterday, actually had systemic Candida, and she tried the diet change, but it didn't work. She told me that she took four of the Super-B Complex along with the GNLD acidophilus and the Garlic Allium Complex, and it wiped out the yeast. She did have a Herxheimer with that, (Candida and Lyme both Herx pretty badly), but it took care of the problem.

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